Networx Business & Professionals Group is the business and professional ministry of Networx Church located in the Springwood Business Centre on the Pacific Highway. As a market place ministry, Networx Business & Professionals Group aims to serve the business and professional community, encourage business leaders and nurture aspiring entrepreneurs.



This ministry values the role business enterprise has in transforming local communities by promoting the dignity of the individual, creativity through relationships and prosperity for all. As such, Networx Business & Professionals Group aims to partner in business mission initiatives for the benefit of local communities and developing communities in the South Pacific and beyond.

We believe

  • The development of business and a thriving economy requires a Kingdom culture of moral responsibility, social justice and a faith- filled vision for the future.

  • Life becomes purposeful when our business and professional commitments are an expression of God’s heart towards our neighbour.

  • Living generously, relationally and prayerfully in outworking our calling to transform our world.

Networx Business & Professionals Group is an open invitation to connect, be inspired, go further, reach higher and to prosper in all things.


If you have any questions about the Business & Professionals Group at NetworX do not hesitate to contact us!