Networx Youth is for anyone in highschool (Grades 7-12).

We gather together on Friday Nights from 7-9pm and connect throughout the week on our private Discord server.

Due the the quality of our teaching team (totalling more than eight teachers including two doctors and one associate professor) and to promote unity and learning from those wiser and more experienced than us we join with our 11am (Arabic) Service on Saturday morning, 9:30am (English) Service on Sunday mornings and 5pm (Persian) Service on Sunday evenings.

All youth events and services are at Networx Church unless stated (please contact Ronin for further details).



Friday - 7pm (English) ; Saturday - 11am (Arabic) ; Sunday - 9:30am (English) ; Sunday - 5pm (Persian)


Ronin Correia

NetworX Youth & Young Adults Director
